Australians who think they can fall back on workers’ compensation to meet all their medical and personal costs in the event of a workplace accident, injury, disease or death, should think again. In most cases, the benefits and compensation amount only cover a fraction of what’s needed to pay the bills and keep a household
A traumatic event is one that threatens your life or safety or the lives of people around you. They are extremely common and may lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. This article explores the impact of trauma and why early intervention is important. Download PDF Here Most Australians will experience, or be exposed to, a potentially
When planning for your future and achieving your goals and objectives, a robust risk management plan is the safety net providing the best chance of your plans coming to fruition if unplanned events occur. When the term ‘risk management’ is raised, some mistake it to be all about implementing insurance. However, holding appropriate insurance is
What’s the value of life insurance advice to the consumer? Most (normal) people don’t strike up conversations about life insurance. It can be a tricky and awkward topic because it raises the very real possibility of terminal illness, accidents, injury and death. However, for advisers, it’s an easy topic to broach. Not only because talking
Get to know the people that makeup PRP. You may find that we share similar values to you, your family and your business. Check out Courtney’s “Why”… The role of Client Services Manager is an integral part of our organisation, linking the advice process, office management and the advisers to you, the client. Please, take
YOUR CLIENTS NEED A REVIEW Round 6 of the Financial Services Royal Commission commenced its focus into Life Insurance & General Insurance. The discussion last week has been on Life Insurance with six life insurers on the stand to be challenged regarding their selling and claims practices. While for most people, the evidence presented was
By ASIC ASIC today announced the establishment of the Financial Advisers Consultative Committee, designed to improve industry engagement with its regulator, and revealed its initial membership. ….. The initial members of the FACC are: Craig Banning, Jennifer Brown, Chris Brycki, Steven Dobson, Mark Everingham, Tony Gillett, Adam Goldstien, Cathryn Gross, Suzanne Haddan and Kevin Smith. Read
I’m a big believer in specialisation… Risk is an important area of advice for our clients and our referral partners want that to be dealt with by a specialist. No one adviser can be across the intracacies of providing risk advice as well as all the requirements of delivering a high level of financial planning advice on